Wednesday 23 July 2014

3 Steps to Start a Powerful Personal Transformation

Never has the possibility of personal transformation been so rapid, urgent and accessible. Our world is
now inundated with modern day truth-seekers, trying to find inner peace among the chaos of their
external and inner landscape. The world is changing so rapidly, if we don’t transform our thoughts and
actions by clearing out the old beliefs and consciously choosing to take full responsibility for living our
true life's purpose, then life may become overwhelming and difficult to navigate.
We are facing great challenges, but if we have transformed our attitudes, tuned into our inner power
and consistently connected to life force energy, we will actually thrive, evolve and grow regardless of
the dark landscape of our external world.
Personally, I have felt more energetically sensitive to the planetary shift. Feeling the urgency to awaken,
feeling lost, I asked, "Where do I begin the inner transformation process?" Here are the steps I took to
begin my personal journey:

1. Create a balance of mind, body and spirit.

The first key is to create a simultaneous balance of the mind, body and spirit. All reinforce each other,
and when you focus too much on one in isolation, the process is held back by lack of balance. In my
experience, Kundalini yoga, the yoga of self-awareness, was the most powerful tool to bring about a
unity in my mind, body and spirit. I enhanced my intuition, strengthen my energy field and inner-power.

2. Express your emotions.

The heart of any transformation is to get in touch with your emotions and allow them to be expressed
in a non-judgmental way without attaching any stories or lasting importance to them. Releasing
emotions and energy from your body that no longer serve you creates the space for you to embody
inner-peace. When you allow yourself to experience emotions in your body, free your mind from past
programming and connect with your pure power and light, inner-transformations are fast and
Kundalini meditation is designed to tap into your subconscious, break negative though patterns, release
emotional energy blocks and allow for deep healing.

3. Be the example of living from your highest self.

A full and complete inner transformation requires you to practice living from the space of love, light and
peace. True personal fulfillment comes from being of service and helping others embark on their own
journey towards inner-transformation.
Sharing your uplifted energy with everyone you meet and making the commitment to fulfill your life's
purpose, so that you can serve and help others awaken to undertake their own personal journey, is the
sign that you've successfully made a personal transformation.


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