Wednesday 23 July 2014


Panchakarma is cleansing of the body according to Ayurveda. Panchakarma is claimed to from the body. These is a set of five (panch = five in sanskrit) procedures.

1. Nasya
2. Vaman
3. Virechana
4. Vasthi and
5. Raktha Moksha

Which eliminate all the toxic elements from the body and mind. This medical system emphasizes the holistic approach where the whole person body, mind and soul should be considered and not just the affected part.

Ayurveda is based on “Panchabhutha” and “Tridosha” theories. This unique living system considers that a human being is a balanced composition of body, mind and soul. Life styles which are based on the true principles of Ayurveda will resist diseases, arrest premature ageing and retain youthfulness for a long time.

Benefits of Panchakarma

The aim of Ayurveda is to ensure good health for a healthy man and to cure the disease for a diseased man. In both the cases, Panchakarma detoxification is necessary to cleanse out the Doshas (TOXINS) at regular intervals. 

After Detox, ayurvedic medicines absorb better and are more effective plus the entire process improves quality of life. Some benefits are as follows:-

  • Removes the root cause of disease.
  • Balances the bodily Humour Vata, Petta and Kapha.
  • Improves Immunity.
  • Balance the Nervous system, Blood circulatory system, Digestive system and also as well as Physiological equilibrium.
  • Remove the Toxins situated at the week point of body.
  • Increases Mental and Physical efficiency.
  • Increases skin glow.
  • Reduces extra fat.
  • Remove insomnia, anxiety and mental problem.
  • Increases loss of vigour and stamina
  • Increases joint movability.


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